Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tomorrow is the First Day of our Diet!

Hurrah! It's finally here! So just some final stuff for everyone to get ready for tomorrow....

Remember, weigh yourself upon rising after you empty your bladder. Write this down as your STARTING WEIGHT. This is really important! In your diet diary or wherever you choose, write down all your starting stats (cholesterol level, waist size) that you care about changing, if you haven't already done it.

Then DRINK A WHOLE BOTTLE OF WATER. We're really dehydrated upon rising, so start your day by drinking water. Plus I have found it makes me want a lot less coffee, because I'm not just drinking it because I'm thirsty. We all know coffee isn't a thirst quencher anyway.

If any questions or concerns come up, ask them or call me, but don't panic. We aren't all going to be perfect every day! We can only strive for perfection.

If you feel a hunger pang, try drinking a bottle of water before you eat in between meals.

Look in your "Eat to Live" book or in the SparkPeople cookbook for the Banana Fluff if you need a sweet dessert. Jim says it "saved" him when we were dieting's easy and awesome. It is basically healthy "ice cream" that you make in your blender.

Speaking of the SparkPeople recipes, here's the link if you don't have it:
Let me know if you have trouble with it.

I can't wait to hear all about your success! Good Luck!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't be Extreme!

Someone said "But this diet is so extreme!" No it isn't!! Look around, how we eat now is what is extreme! What I'm proposing (and the diets I've recommended) is this:

Fruit and a healthy cereal for breakfast,
A big salad and some healthy soup or a sandwich for lunch,
A salad and some steamed veggies for dinner.
Does this sound EXTREME to you?

Remember: How WE (Americans) eat is what is extreme, and most important: unhealthy. But lots of fruits, veggies and healthy grains is how most everyone else eats! Remember, WE have the high rates of cancer and heart disease here, not to mention the obesity crisis. What we are doing currently to ourselves is what is extreme, NOT eating a plant-based diet!

Do you know they call the southeast the "Stroke Belt"? Google it if you don't believe me. So that is "normal" to those folks. Is that going to be normal for YOU? Are we so far gone that eating healthfully is inconceivable?

Do folks that eat fried animal products simply not know they are eating unhealthily? Because I've been doing my part to educate, and I encourage you to continue to fight the good fight. REMEMBER, we're doing this to be healthy, losing weight is the bonus.

SALADS - 101 & 102

As we gear up during "Prep Week" my assignments has mostly been "Think about the changes we're going to be making." But let's get productive here and talk about Salads. Eating a plant-based diet means eating a lot of salads, and if you are anything like me, that can seem a little trying. Initially, it sounds boring and a little limiting. But now that I've been living it for several months, I can't believe I ever felt that way, and I think you'll agree soon! It not unlike the folks that say "Drinking water is so boring." NO NO NO! Water is key to our survival, nothing quenches your thirst like it, it helps everything inside you work better, it calms your appetite. It's all in the ATTITUDE!

It's the same with salad, you will soon be getting excited about salads, I promise!! First of all, salad is only as boring as our imaginations. When I first started eating plant-based, I made what I now call a "Basic Salad" and for simplicity, I suggest you do the same in the beginning. It consists of what I think of as obvious salad veggies which is cut-up romaine lettuce (buy the mixes in bags, so easy), cucumbers, tomatoes, celery and carrots. Maybe some radishes if you like them. Don't forget beans! Drain and rinse a can of kidney beans, toss a handful (about 1/2 cup, more if you would like)on top.

One night my dinner entree was something Italian, so I "themed" my salad on Italian also, and included some red or green pepper, and Italian herbs in my dressing. Garbanzo beans on top. Easy to do and a little more interesting.

Another day I made an "Asian" themed salad, with thinly sliced carrots, cucumbers, radishes, sliced mushrooms. Soybeans on top. I could have included snow peas or snap peas or bean sprouts with it!

Another day I made a chopped salad, which totally shakes up the whole texture. A lot of the same ingredients, I just chopped everything into a dice. (Don't dice your beans unless you really want to!) Check your grocery store for Broccoli slaw or Asian salad, this is cabbage and broccoli shredded, which also provides and interesting texture.

Avoid iceberg lettuce, but beyond that explore the about Arugula? I like to add it to romaine. Spinach salad with sliced mushrooms and shredded carrots? Spring greens with blueberries? Please share with us YOUR favorite salad. The only rules are we're keeping nuts to a tablespoon or less per serving for now.

By the way, the smartest thing I discovered was NEVER MAKE ONLY ONE SALAD at a time! I always always get a plastic container out and make another salad for that night or the next day. It is just so simple to cut for two (or three if you have another person to feed!) dishes at a time rather that put a half of a pepper (or whatever) back in the 'fridge! And it makes it so much easy to stick with it when all you have to do is grab it, dress it, and eat. Plan ahead people!

Salad 102: Salad Dressings

During the next 28 days (and hopefully longer) we're going to be having No-Oil Salad Dressings. This also gives us a LOT of options.

Our Basic Dressing: The 3-2-1 Dressing: 3 Tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp pure maple syrup. You can vary this with different vinegars, such as rice, white wine, or balsamic. Also with the mustard, try different ones. For my Asian salad, I used rice vinegar and Chinese mustard. For Italian, white balsamic (or regular) and a regular Dijon. Easy, easy. easy. You can buy oil-free dressings also, and having one in the refrigerator for convenience is great, but to me dressings I mix up are SO much better.

*One of our souvenirs from France was a sampler of real Dijon mustard from Dijon! Let me tell you they are very different from Grey Poupon!! I don't want anything to interfere with their flavor so I use the most delicate white wine vinegar I have...(Look for an "imported from France" Dijon at your store, I found one at Publix, it's a little more expensive but worth it.) Share Challenge 2: Do you have a no-oil dressing recipe to share?

Lastly, speaking of recipes, I discovered "Spark People" Healthy recipes website this week. I started saving recipes, as well as writing a few into a cookbook there that everyone can access. Here's the link to my cookbook:

Let me know if you have trouble with it, but I recommend you go ahead and sign up as they had a lot of good stuff there. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Prep Week -- Diet starts week from today!

Okay everyone, today is one-week out from the full-on, no excuses start to our 28-day diet. It's actually more of a jump start to a lifestyle change! Here's the plan to start today:

1. Get out your diet journal. Write down your goals, and your affirmations so you can re-read them later for encouragement. Write down your starting weight, your last cholesterol level (our goal is "under 150"). Don't forget to write down how you are feeling now.

2. Plan your exercise. We're going to be moving everyday, what are you going to do the first week? Plan on a minimum of 20 minutes a day to start. What are your exercise goals?

3. Don't buy any food that we'll be throwing away later in the week. We're going to have a refrigerator clean out next weekend. Plan accordingly!

4. Start reading. The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn, and Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman are our guideline diets. What I'll be posting is a blend of these two plus other related eating plans. This gives us variety and simplicity. Here are a couple websites to check out: and

5. Brace yourself for naysayers and saboteurs. For some reason people want to try and interfere with your plan to get healthy and lose weight. Mostly it comes from them being unhappy with themselves and unwilling to make changes. Recognize it when you see it and and don't let them derail you. Be on guard! Prepare yourself for "But what about protein?" with this "If plan proteins can grow elephants and rhinoceroses, I'll be fine." And it's true!

6. Understand the rules. We'll be focusing on what we CAN eat and not what we can't, so stay positive! But to be crystal clear:

NO animal products of any kind. This includes: meat chicken fish dairy cheese milk mayo eggs. Any questions just ask me.

NO processed foods. We'll be eating fruit, vegetables and whole grains. It's easy to recognize whole the label, they use the word "whole".

Also understand that we'll be grocery shopping twice a week, due to the fact we'll be eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Your homework until next blog: Go ahead and buy the following things, and try my Best Smoothie Ever now. You'll need: spinach, pref. baby and organic, ripe bananas, blueberries (frozen or fresh), almond milk, ground flax seeds (optional this week but you'll need them for next week) and cocoa powder. Grab a big handful (about a cup loosely packed) and smoosh it down in the blender, add a banana, and about 2/3 cup of blueberries, sprinkled cocoa and flax seeds on top,and pour in a cup of almond milk. I keep a 1/2 cup of water (or crushed ice) handy in case I need more liquid. Then blend and enjoy! Makes a lot, and it keeps me satisfied until lunch.
By the way, buy a large bunch of bananas so they will be good and ripe in a few days. Then we'll freeze them so they are sweet and frozen in time for next week's smoothies. How's that for planning ahead?? I can't wait to hear your comments.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'd like to be your new Health Coach!

First of all, let me say that there is nothing like putting oneself on a diet and successfully losing weight to give one a smug sense of self-righteousness. But you also learn some things along the way that make the journey to losing weight a lot easier. And when you see people you care about struggling, you want to help them if you can! So I thought I'd start a purely volunteer and low pressure blog about getting healthy and losing weight. In that order.

I firmly believe that we are on the precipice of a major change in how we look at the food we eat, and what is considered "normal American food". Every day a new report comes out that points out that what is called the Standard American Diet is actually what is causing our high rates of heart disease and cancer, plus diabetes and obesity. Remember, there was a time not long ago that doctors thought smoking was healthful! So don't be naive and think that because the Dairy council says drinking milk is healthy then it must be!

The diet book we'll be reading and diet we'll be following is called the Engine 2 Diet. It is a very reader-friendly book, with lots of yummy recipes. It is what they are calling "plant-based" which means emphasis on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. There is NO dairy products, animal products, or added fats. I'll leave it to the author to explain the cancer-causing properties in animal proteins. This isn't theory folks, this is reality. An amazing amount of people are finding out about this stuff every day. Soon it will be the norm.

Enough theory, let's start with a practical approach. I'll announce the official start date of the diet soon, but for now lets start with "Prep Time." I want you to think about adding a raw salad to your diet, every day. Personally, I look forward to a "Big Salad" at lunch. I try and make 3 days worth of salad at a time, to save on chopping time. Throw every raw veggie in there that you like, the more colorful the better. Go easy on the nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and avocado, but don't leave them out if you want them. Throw on a cup of kidney, garbanzo, or soy beans too. Can't finish it all? Save it for dinner or a snack.

What about salad dressing? Don't mess it all up with using a high-fat dressing. The best choice is to mix up your own. The easiest is two tablespoons of white wine vinegar, a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, two tablespoons of real maple syrup, a sprinkle of Italian seasonings (or whatever). Put a tiny half teaspoon of olive oil if you MUST but try it without. If it is too strong, dilute with a little bit of water. There are lots of fat-free dressing recipes on the web also, or experiment with your own. If you have a really nice vinegar, many times that is all you need to use. The next best choice is a fat-free or very low fat commercial dressing. I like the Newman's Own Salad mists, 10 sprays is only 10 calories! And it's great.

That's enough for now, next time I'll tell you the recipe for the BEST BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE in the world, and it is so healthy you'll be starting the day feeling great!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Wish List for Carnies

While looking over my Christmas gift idea list, I was considering something Jim had mentioned that I had jotted down. He'd expressed interest in learning about keeping bees. It isn't surprising, as he is always interested in learning new hobbies, loves the outdoors, he likes all kinds of animals, and loves honey.
Upon research however, I learned that beekeeping may not in fact be a good hobby for someone that is gone from home for 8 months (or more) out of the year. I read that one needs to consider the time required for keeping bees about the same per hive as caring for a cat.
Since we have a cat, that is easy to understand. Of course, she can't stay home by herself for extended periods and so she travels with us. So... could we keep bees on the road? I suppose we could keep the hive outside our trailer, and it might even help with vandalism! Imagine the pesky local come looking for something to steal and hock, only to come away with a face full of startled bees!
Over the jump, however, things might get difficult. I suppose we'd have to load the hive into the back of Jim's SUV? They'd be riding in the back of the car, buzz buzz buzz-ing away. Some of these jumps are 300 miles or more, so we'd have to let the bees out for food and water. How could we be sure they'd come back? Jim let the cat get out of the car at a truck stop once, and had to get a stranger to open the hood of her car for him to pry her out. I would imagine doing that with the bees would be even trickier. Maybe a big net would help?
Would the cat get along with the bees? That's where the plan falls apart, because our cat already considers herself the Queen Bee of the household. No, on second thought, I just don't see her relinquishing her crown and title for the actual queen bee. I suppose I'll have to get more creative and come up with a better gift idea.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tales from the Midway, 10/26/2009

On the midway last week I saw a message on a customer's t-shirt and it got me thinking. She was a mother, probably 30-ish, and was accompanied by her husband and two young children. Her t-shirt read, in extra-large print, "I have the P@#$%Y, I make the RULES".
When I told Jim about it later, he commented dryly, "I wonder if she wears that shirt to parent-teacher conferences at her kids school?" Hmmm, perhaps, but I think the larger issue here is: Is this the universal truth it appears to be at face value? Because if so, it's a game changer.
When I think of the hours of consultations with girlfriends, psychologists, and my mother about the men in our lives, and for what? We make the rules!
And men: how simple your life can be! SHE makes the rules!
Really, it's a moment of great clarity. And I realize it's and updated and more straight-forward version of "Happy Wife, happy life" or "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." But the new and improved slogan cuts right to the heart of it, and I predict could stop an argument before it starts!